
  • KARE 11

    Push to make internet safer for kids

    The Kids Code would bar online companies from selling children’s personal information and unnecessarily tracking their locations.

  • Press & News

    Rally for a safer digital Minnesota: it’s time to pass the Kids Code

    With more than 30 years in the IT industry, I’ve seen the transformative power of technology firsthand. Here in Minnesota, as the lead author of the Kids Code bill, I am heartened to see growing momentum behind similar legislation in other states.

  • The Star Tribune

    The case for the Minnesota Kids Code

    It’s time we had a law that sees the internet through the eyes of its youngest users.

  • The Star Tribune

    Big Tech is the Big Tobacco of today

    Young people are once again a prime target. But there are solutions — which, naturally, the companies are resisting.

  • The Minnesota Daily

    Editorial: Student calls for Minnesota kids code to hold Big Tech accountable

    In January, I made the trip from Macalester College, where I am a first-year, to advocate in Washington, D.C. as five social media platform CEOs appeared before Congress in what will hopefully be looked back on as a historic moment in efforts to address Big Tech’s transgressions against society.