A better online world is possible

Support the
Age Appropriate Design Code

Most youth are exposed to porn by age 12 (CSM, 2023)
81% of 14 to 22-year-olds say they used social media either "daily" or "almost constantly."
Of the top 100 free apps for kids in Google Play 1 in 3 have banner ads, including ads for adult content.

What is the Minnesota Kids Code?

The Minnesota Kids Code was introduced in the 2023 legislative session and passed the Minnesota State House of Representatives in the Commerce Budget Bill with overwhelming bipartisan support.

The Kids Code would require privacy by design and default, and it would require online products and services reasonably likely to be accessed by children and teens under 18 to be age appropriate and designed in kids’ best interests. While Big Tech attempts to fight the AADC with infinite resources and lawsuits, legislators and civil society organizations are continuing to prioritize kids’ safety and wellbeing online.

Parents, youth, medical professionals, partner organizations, join us in fighting for a better online future.

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Video Testimonials

Ella, Young person from MN
Casey Mock

Quotes from Minnesotans

Press Releases


Advocacy Highlights

Newspaper Ad to TechNet Member Companies

Supporting Organizations: